Dog Scooting | Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butt On the Floor

Why Do Dogs Drag Their Butt? Scooting is the term used to describe the condition where a dog sits on the ground and drags its bottom along the ground. As a pet parent, chances are that you have likely seen this behaviour at least once. The big question around this has always been, ‘why do dogs drag their butt’? Sometimes our dogs scoot at the most ‘unpleasant’ times, like when you have some guests around.

Dog scooting is more like a sign language from your dog to let you know that something ain’t just right somewhere with them. 

Allergies, anal gland problems and irritation are some of the things that are closely related to dog scooting and it is usually an itchy and painful experience for your dog.

Scooting may progress from a mere discomforting problem to a complicated issue that needs serious medical attention. As always, we strongly advise you to consult your veterinarian once you begin to notice any symptoms.

Food Allergies

There are quite a number of allergies that can lead to dog scooting and one of such is food. Food allergies can lead to severe skin itching and irritation. Skin problems are closely linked with food allergies in dogs especially if the dog has got no fleas. A dog’s diet with some amount of protein and not enough fibre, or one containing grains such as oatmeal, corn,  rice, wheat, etc. can be what’s affecting stools and preventing the anal sacs from functioning properly. When dogs are having food allergies, the remains of the food passing through their butt inflames the skin and mucus membrane around the anus and that causes perianal irritation.

Skin Irritation

Skin irritation could come as a result of grooming. Some possible causes of skin irritation that lead to dog scooting include clipper burns, and irritation from sprays, perfumes or grooming products used around the tail or bottom region.

Some other causes of skin irritation that can lead to scooting are fleas, contact allergies or itching.


Diarrhoea is another cause of dog scooting not only because the anal sacs do not get emptied but also because when your dog contracts diarrhoea, it could burn the delicate mucus membrane and the skin around the anus. This will cause itching and your dog’s response to it is scooting.

Urinary Tract Infection

Although this is not a common cause of scooting, urinary tract infection can be another reason for scooting especially in female dogs. The itching and burning caused by urinary tract infection during urination can lead to scooting. Frequent urination and excessive thirst are other clear symptoms of urinary tract infection.

Intestinal Tapeworm

Tapeworms can also cause dogs to scoot. Your dog can get the tapeworms into their body by eating a flea-carrying immature tapeworm larvae or by eating vermin. When the tapeworm matures and exits through the dog’s anus, it will lead to irritation and itching. You may notice a rice-like group of worms around the anus, the dog’s bedding or faeces.

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