Why Do Dogs Have Eye Boogers | 5 Dog Eye Boogers

Dog eye Boogers – As pet parents, it’s always our dream that our dogs remain in the best state in terms of health and all but sometimes, our dreams don’t come true. Sometimes, our favourite pet display some unfathomable behaviours like humping, licking, zoomies etc and once in a while, show serious symptoms of some ailment or discomfort.

We always advise you to consult your veterinarian as often as possible once you see your dog starts exhibiting some abnormal behaviour or when you notice anything strange on your dog. It is not advisable to take chances with dog eye boogers

You should be familiar with the saying, ‘Dogs eyes are the windows to the soul — and may be the key to your dog’s heart’. Your dog’s eye is a very vital part of your dog’s body. Dogs use their eyes to take in their surroundings, protect the home and respond to your affection and commands.

Dogs suffer from some allergies such as pollen or dust. These allergies can cause your dog’s eye to drop clear water discharge. Prolonged watery eyes can cause Boogers and eye goop to form.

Boogers are essentially an accumulation of dirt and debris commonly found in the corner of their eyes. Allergies come in different forms and show off various symptoms and Boogers is just one of those symptoms. Other symptoms include;  itching, a runny nose, and light respiratory issues as well, such as sneezing.

Eye boogers, or eye discharge, gunk or tears, can be annoying to your pet, creating itchiness, irritation or even pain. Almost all dogs get to experience ocular discharge at some point in their lives, and this usually does not  indicate a health problem but if eye boogers are a result of an illness or irritation, then ignoring them can lead to bigger eye issues

In addition to impacting your dog’s health, the discharge can be unsightly, creating an unkempt appearance in your canine or even staining the coat of light-coloured dogs. Fortunately for you and your pup, eye boogers are preventable.


Also referred to as pink eye – it is a type of inflammation that occurs on the lining of your dog’s eye. Viruses or bacteria are the primary causes of conjunctivitis. It might be triggered by distemper, dry eye or uncontrolled allergies. Some symptoms include;

  • Redness of the eyes
  • discharge that crusts overnight
  • Itching
  • Excessive blinking
  • dog eye gunk that appears as yellow-green pus

The pink, fleshy part around the eye is referred to as the conjunctiva. Once the tissue gets inflamed, it can lead to excessive eye discharge, creating eye boogers. Conjunctivitis needs prescribed eye medications to treat and make the attention boogers go away.

Do note however that we strongly advise you to see a veterinarian anytime you encounter any of these symptoms for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Corneal Ulcers

Corneal ulcers occur as a result of damage to the cornea. It presents itself as a sore or wound on the surface. Corneal ulcers can also be caused by irritants or debris. When affected with corneal ulcers, dogs get sensitive to light and have a film over the eye. Some other symptoms include;

  • Excessive pawing at the eye
  • Excessive eye discharge
  • Red eyes
  • Squinting  

Although some simple ulcers can clear up in a couple of days, a visit to the veterinarian is always strongly advised. Early diagnosis and treatment will prevent complications that may lead to corneal surgery.


Another cause of dog eye boogers is epiphora. Commonly referred to as excessive tearing, epiphora is a condition in which excessive fluid flows out of the inner corner of your dog’s eye which may in turn lead to intense boogers, stained or smelly fur, as well as infected skin. Epiphora is mostly common in flat-faced dog breeds. Common causes of epiphora include;

  • Conjunctivitis
  • Allergies
  • Eye injuries
  • Eyelash abnormalities
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Glaucoma
Keratoconjunctivitis (KCS)

Don’t worry if you can’t pronounce that, another name for it is ‘dry eyes’. As the name implies and unlike epiphora (excessive tearing), keratoconjunctivitis is a condition whereby your dog is unable to produce enough tears to lubricate the eyes or flush away irritants/infections and this may lead to debris accumulating in the dog’s eye.

In response to the lack of tears, and in an effort to protect the eyes, the whites of the eyes turn brown and release some yellow-green discharge. Some causes of dry eye include;

  • Eye infections
  • Tear duct issues
  • Anaesthesia or antibiotics side effects

It is always advised to visit your veterinarian at the first symptom for proper diagnosis and treatment. If left untreated, this condition can lead to blindness.


Entropion is a genetic eyelid deformity that causes a portion of the eyelid to be folded inward (entropion) or outwards (ectropion). Severe entropion can cause a build-up of scar tissue which can greatly interfere with vision. When the eyelids fold inward against the eye for some time, it can lead to consistent irritation, excess watering and eventually, eye boogers.

Some common symptoms of entropion in dogs include;

  • Squinting
  • Excessive tears
  • Mucus discharge from the outer corners of the eye

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