Dogs Belly Button – Everything You Need To Know

Dogs belly button? You probably have never thought of this before or maybe you have, well, now you’re here reading this. But not to worry, this will just help you in knowing your dog better and as it’s always said ‘knowing what’s normal on your dog’s body can help you spot potential problems early enough.

So the question remains – do dogs have belly buttons? why do dogs have belly buttons? The basic answers to these questions are; Yes, they do have belly buttons! And why they have belly buttons is because they are placental mammals.

Just as it is with humans, the dog’s belly button is the location where the umbilical cord was cut after birth – the umbilical cord is attached to the mother’s placenta at the other end and serves as a food and oxygen delivery channel to the growing pup while also removing waste.

The Dogs Belly Button

During the delivery process, puppies emerge in a fluid-filled sac that is connected through the umbilical cord to the mother’s placenta. 

After a successful delivery, the ‘mother dog’ needs no help with cutting the umbilical cord. She carries out the action by herself by chewing off the umbilical cord (with her teeth).

After a few the cord will stump dry and fall off leaving what we now know as the belly button.

Where to Find Dogs Belly Button

Unlike the human belly button, a dog’s belly button is usually obscured by furs and makes it a bit close to impossible to sight.

You can spot a dog’s belly button on the dog’s belly especially when it’s still a pub and yet to grow much hair. It is located right in the middle of their stomach—just after the rib cage and before the pelvis—but it may not be immediately recognizable.

The belly button does not present itself as a sizeable round button but rather, it looks like a small scar like flat tissue that may be an oval shape or a circular wrinkle on the skin or a small and flat vertical scar – usually covered with fur.

During belly rubs, you’ll notice a swirl or tuft around the belly button area. It may not be necessarily easy to spot especially if your dog has got so much fur.

Innies & Outies in Dogs Belly Button

One of the frequently used words with belly buttons for humans are innies and outies. Innie belly buttons are like a little dent in your stomach. Outie belly buttons look like a little knot is sticking out.

In the outie and innie case, when it comes to dogs, there are only the outies, like no innies as we have in humans. The outies come in different variants; some may be thicker and easier to spot and feel than others.

Dogs Button Belly Possible Health Issues

Your dog’s belly button being an outie does not mean the belly button has to be protruding. As a good dog parent, you should always look out for any ‘abnormal’ signs in your dog in order to avert any possible disease or any other health complications.

Once you notice that your dog’s belly button is protruding more than it was during early puppyhood, then there are indications that your dog could be facing an improper closure of the muscles or even an umbilical hernia.

Also, if you notice the skin around the belly button region is red, black, dark brown, or any color other than that which is normal for your dog’s skin, then it could be an indication of some health problems like;

  • Chronic allergies
  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Irritation

In order to prevent health complications, always examine your dog’s belly every so often as this is a very helpful way to spot any sign of inflammation as well as other health issues.

Whenever you notice your dog’s fur is not as thick as usual and the skin is easier to see, do well to book an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible.

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