500 Cute Dog Names That Start with letter R

Searching for some unique dog names that start with letter R? We’ve got quite a number for you to choose from or get inspiration from.
Remember, your dog’s name can, among other things, help strengthen the bond between you and your dog – whether or not it’s a new dog, hence, it’s not just a means of identification
Undoubtedly, choosing the right dog name is not that much of an easy task – we understand that and are ready to help you with suggestions of beautiful and awesome names for your dog focusing on dog names that start with letter R.
Always remember that, it is crucial that you pick a name and stick with it in order to avoid unnecessary confusion and stress for your dog.
For this article, we will be focusing on cute dog names that start with letter R. We will discuss some options for standard names for male and female dogs.
Always remember that, it is crucial that you pick a name and stick with it in order to avoid unnecessary confusion and stress for your dog.
Below is a collection of cute male dog names as well as female dog names that starts with letter R.
Rab | Rachel |
Raban | Racke |
Rabauke | Racki |
Rabaz | Raclett |
Rabin | Rada |
Rabit | Radana |
Racer | Radie |
Racker | Radja |
Racko | Raggedy |
Racos | Raegge |
Radano | Rafaella |
Radek | Raffa |
Radezki | Raffaela |
Radka | Ragatta |
Radlof | Ragna |
Radshan | Rahe |
Rado | Raica |
Radscha | Raicke |
Radulf | Raija |
Rafal | Raika |
Raffael | Raike |
Raffi | Raila |
Rage | Rainnamess |
Ragger | Raisa |
Ragnar | Raischa |
Rago | Raisha |
Ragtim | Raissa |
Ragus | Raja |
Raider | Rakita |
Raiko | Ralfa |
Raios | Ralle |
Rakero | Ralli |
Rakki | Rallie |
Raldo | Raluca |
Ralfi | Ramba |
Ralko | Rame |
Rallye | Ramina |
Ralph | Ramira |
Rambas | Ramona |
Ramenis | Ramsel |
Ramin | Rana |
Ramires | Randa |
Ramiro | Randi |
Ramon | Randie |
Randi | Ranga |
Rando | Ranghild |
Randy | Rani |
Ranger | Rania |
Rango | Ranina |
Rani | Ranira |
Ranie | Ranita |
Raniel | Ranja |
Ranky | Ranji |
Ranno | Ranka |
Raoul | Ranke |
Rap | Ranni |
Raphaello | Rannie |
Rapi | Ranta |
Rapox | Rante |
Rasant | Ranula |
Rascale | Raola |
Rascall | Raolita |
Rascan | Raphaela |
Raschek | Rapunzel |
Raschid | Raschka |
Rasco | Rashida |
Rask | Raskia |
Raskan | Rassel |
Rasko | Rasta |
Rasmus | Rastella |
Rasputin | Rasti |
Rast | Rastie |
Rastelli | Rastina |
Rasti | Ratina |
Rastie | Ratta |
Ratte | Ratte |
Rasty | Ratti |
Ratinho | Rauka |
Ratz | Rauma |
Raubautz | Raupe |
Raudi | Raven |
Rauk | Ravenna |
Raumax | Ravina |
Rauno | Raviola |
Raziel | Ravioli |
Rebell | Rayonne |
Recke | Razzia |
Recko | Rebeta |
Recul | Recka |
Reem | Reckie |
Reen | Reddy |
Reggie | Reela |
Regus | Regal |
Reiko | Regatta |
Reilo | Regina |
Reimo | Reia |
Reino | Reica |
Remi | Reicke |
Remington | Reikana |
Remus | Reike |
Rendy | Reikie |
Rene | Reima |
Reni | Reisha |
Renko | Relly |
Renno | Renda |
Renz | Rene |
Reskid | Renee |
Resko | Reni |
Rex | Renia |
Rexor | Renie |
Rexy | Renja |
Reza | Renka |
Rezo | Renna |
Rhett | Renni |
Rhinestone | Reny |
Rhino | Resa |
Rhodes | Rese |
Rhodos | Resi |
Rias | Resie |
Ribot | Ressi |
Ricardo | Resy |
Ricco | Retta |
Riccos | Rettie |
Richi | Retschie |
Richie | Reva |
Richter | Rexa |
Richy | Rexi |
Rici | Reyka |
Rickardo | Rezi |
Ricko | Rhana |
Ricky | Rhaquel |
Ricochet | Rhea |
Ricor | Rheila |
Ricos | Rhoda |
Ricoso | Rhona |
Rider | Rhone |
Riecko | Ria |
Riek | Riana |
Rieko | Riane |
Rieno | Ribana |
Ries | Ribsy |
Riff | Rica |
Rifke | Ricana |
Riggie | Ricarda |
Riggo | Ricka |
Rigoletto | Ricke |
Riker | Ricki |
Rikkor | Rickie |
Rikki | Ricky |
Rikor | Ricotta |
Rimbo | Ridi |
Rinaldo | Riecke |
Rindo | Rieda |
Ringo | Riega |
Rino | Riege |
Rintintin | Rieke |
Rio | Rieki |
Ritchie | Rieva |
Ritchy | Riexi |
Ritsch | Riffa |
Ritschi | Riga |
Riva | Rigga |
Rivaldo | Riggi |
Rivas | Rika |
Rixi | Rike |
Rizzi | Riki |
Rizzo | Rikie |
Roan | Rikka |
Rob | Rikke |
Robbie | Rikki |
Robbin | Rilka |
Robby | Rille |
Robelly | Rillke |
Robi | Rimie |
Robien | Rinda |
Robinson | Rinde |
Robroy | Rinette |
Roby | Rinia |
Rocco | Rinka |
Roccy | Rinne |
Rochi | Rinni |
Rochus | Rintie |
Rockefeller | Rischa |
Rocki | Risette |
Rocko | Riska |
Roco | Rispe |
Rodahn | Rissa |
Rodan | Rissy |
Rodeo | Rista |
Rodny | Ristourne |
Rodo | Ritana |
Roger | Ritta |
Rohrich | Rivella |
Roker | Rivka |
Rokko | Rixa |
Rokky | Rixe |
Rolf | Rixy |
Rolfie | Rizzel |
Rolfo | Rizzi |
Rolley | Robinna |
Rollo | Roda |
Romak | Rolanda |
Romano | Rollie |
Romario | Roona |
Romby | Romana |
Romero | Romika |
Romulus | Rommina |
Ronco | Rommy |
Rondo | Rondi |
Rondok | Ronija |
Ronj | Ronnja |
Ronko | Roodie |
Ronni | Rosalia |
Ronnymo | Rosalie |
Rontu | Rosalinde |
Rony | Rosee |
Roon | Rosella |
Rosco | Rosina |
Rosso | Rosita |
Rosty | Rositha |
Rotfuchs | Rossa |
Rothick | Rotessa |
Rott | Rotti |
Roudoudou | Roulette |
Roul | Rowie |
Rouven | Roxana |
Rover | Roxanne |
Rox | Roxette |
Roye | Roxie |
Rubel | Roxy |
Rubin | Ruanda |
Rubini | Rubia |
Rudi | Rubie |
Rudy | Rubina |
Rufo | Rubini |
Rumba | Rudilka |
Runar | Ruffle |
Ruschek | Ruhta |
Rushid | Ruma |
Rusko | Rumba |
Ruso | Runa |
Ryno | Rune |
Raubi | Ruschka |
Raugraf | Rusco |
Rave | Ruta |
Ravel | Ruva |
Raven | Ruxa |
Ravey | Ryana |
Ravioli | Ryane |
Ryky | Ryna |
Don’t forget you can always try narrowing down the dog names that start with letter R and try out a test run on some of these names till you find the one which is most suitable for you and your dog. Wondering how you can do that? Now, try out this simple exercise.
Try calling the name as if calling your dog from across the dog park. How does it sound to you? Good or Bad? Is the articulation of the dog’s name close to a family member’s name and can be confusing? Or does it remind you of someone you don’t want to remember? These are a few things you need to consider when picking a new name for your dog.